Let us build, by our actions, a world protecting human rights!

+257 22 28 03 45



Industry Street, Plot No 19, Office No. 5, 6 & 7

BNM & Co. Advocates

The law firm BNM & Co. Advocates is located in Bujumbura, Industry Street, Plot No 19, Office No. 5, 6 & 7.

The law firm is made of associated professional lawyers with high legal and judicial experience. His motto is to be alongside the customer both upstream and downstream whenever necessary, for legal actions and / or judicial prompt.

Multidisciplinary, with a team leader system, the staff of the law firm works in an environment of complementarity. Specific areas of competence of that firm are business law (commercial law, corporate law, insurance law, intellectual property law, contract law, business litigation, …), the public procurement law, the social law (labor law and social security law), property law, family law, public law and human rights.

The firm is also involved in consultations and trainings.

Our motto 

is to be alongside the customer both upstream and downstream whenever necessary, for legal actions and / or judicial prompt.

Our ambition

To bring you, in total consultation, the solution best adapted to your needs,

Our engagements

Anticipate, build and sustain

We are involved in both litigation and non litigation matters. Indeed, we believe that our mission of defence (litigations) and counsel (Due Diligence Reports and Legal Opinion) would not be complete without anticipate, understand and manage the risks of our customers. That is why we build a lasting partnership with them that allows us to have a broad and comprehensive view of their needs and anticipate the risks they are or may be facing. This support allows them to be proactive rather than undergo the judicial hazard.

We serve our customers with our expertise and personal commitment in each case entrusted to us and we are committed to being transparent, particularly when putting on strategies.

For each action, a report is prepared and sent to whom it may concern. Similarly, briefings are held.


Our fees vary depending on the nature and complexity of our interventions.

Several billing formulas can be considered:

  • fixing the fees according to the time spent,
  • fixed payment of fees according to the estimate,
  • additional fees for income depending on the gain realized or the loss avoided,

The chosen formula is subject to customer acceptance.
These formulas can also, if the file allows, be combined with each other.
Our fees are billed as and when the due diligence, in the form of provisions. A final bill of fees is given at the closing of the file.